10 Things That Can Help You Sleep Even If Nothing Else Will

Has insomnia got you down? Learn to take control of your sleep by practicing habits that relax the body and mind prepare you to rest. From sleeping in a cooler room to using aromatherapy, there’s still more you can do even if all else seems to fail Optatum.

1. Don’t Force Yourself To Sleep

Keeping an eye on the clock as you struggle to fall asleep will only leave you more awake. The frustration of not being able to sleep will also keep you up. Instead of staying in bed, get up and do something for about 10 minutes or so.

2. Keep Your Room Cool

A cool room helps you fall asleep quicker. Experts say that a temperature of 15-19 degrees Celsius is ideal. While it seems cold, it actually initiates sleep.

3. Don’t Take Your Phone/Laptop To Bed

As tempting as it is, avoid taking your phone or laptop to bed. The blue light emitted from the screens can inhibit the production of melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone.

4. Take A Warm Shower

Having a warm shower before bed can accelerate the cooling of your body which in turns tells your brain that it’s time to sleep.

5. Make Use Of Aromatherapy

Plants like lavender and jasmine are great to have around because their fragrance can encourage you to sleep. They de-stress you and lower your heart rate, which is what you want for better rest.

6. Follow A Sleep Schedule

Try to go to bed and wake up the next morning at a particular time. Don’t use the weekends to sleep in either otherwise your body’s internal clock won’t get accustomed to the routine.

7. Practice Relaxation

There are several ways to do this. You can practice deep breathing, mindfuln